Flower garden ideas and organic vegetable garden ideas are provided for insight purposes.
I think it's just a good idea to keep these things in mind when you are planting.
Farmers and gardeners for centuries have noticed that certain vegetables, flower, grasses, etc. seemed to thrive in the company of one plant while doing poorly in the company of another.
For example, the roots of black walnut trees exude a chemical that inhibits the growth of tomatoes.
Or, that clover actually produces nitrogen that is much needed by other grasses and plants.
Did you know that onions stimulate the growth of beans, peas, and several other vegetables?
I can remember growing up having to hoe the middles of the garden because we didn't have a garden tiller. But, my Aunt Velma would always spead her onions all over the garden.
I would want to hoe them up because I thought they were out of place. How funny now that I think about this, but she would tell me that they helped to keep away insects.
Tomatoes and basil are also believed to do well together, as do cucumbers and cabbage.
Another aspect of companion planting is that certain vegetables and herbs seem to repel the pests of other plants.
Marigold roots, for example exude a secretion that repels nematodes, tiny wormlike creatures that attack plant roots, and parsley is said to repel the carrot fly.
Other plants lure pests away from their neighbors, as the eggplant lures Colorado potato beetles from potato plants.
Scientist have solid evidence that secretions given off by the roots of some plants are the cause of this effect that modern gardener call Companion planting.
Although companion planting is a source of controversy among experts, it is certainly worth trying when you begin planting a garden
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