Headaches, Nerves, Depression

If you are experiencing headaches, nervousness, or depression, try these natural cures. I very seldom have these symptoms, but when I do, I try to attack them before they get to severe. 

There are many times, that I personally, just lie down and relax and they soon go away.

There are other times, that I pull out a folklore remedy and it does seems to work.

I am a firm believer in natural cures.

So, give them a try.

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Peppermint tea for mild depression

Have a drink of peppermint or papaya mint tea seep it through your coffee pot just like making coffee.

After you have  a cup of hot peppermint tea get outside and do something physical such as taking a brisk walk, or weed your garden.

For Nerves

Have a drink of camomile tea or drink a glass of milk warm or cold.

Camomile is very a soothing drink and taste great as well.

It can also help relieve the pain of a toothache.

For Headaches

Try to offset the cause. If you have been in the sun all day then move into the shade and put a cool, damp cloth on your forehead.

If you have been working all day and you are tired, it may also help to eat something to build your energy up.

Move away from what you are doing, try to relax and get some fresh air.

It has been advised recently that vigorous exercise may ease migraine attacks.

You can try jogging in place even at nighttime.

For a soothing tea bag put 4 tbsp. each of dried marjoram, lavender, betony, rose petals, rose leaf, and add a few cloves, in a packet.

I suggest that you make up several packets at one time so you will have them handy when you need them.

Whenever you see symptoms coming on,, hold the sachet to your nose and breathe in its scent.


Any synthetic or natural substance could cause an allergic reaction in certain people.

If you are not sure of a substance, test a tiny quantity and wait for up to three days to make sure you don’t have a reaction.

Herbal remedies ought to only be prepared where recognition of the plants is certain.

It seems that, symptoms could be caused by a grave illness of which a doctor's counsel should be sought after. Return from Headaches to Self Sufficient Farm Living

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