Coughs and Colds Natural Remedies

So, you say your looking for natural remedies for coughs and cold? Or, are you looking for "the miracle" to help you break the habit of smoking.

Whenever you are experiencing coughs and colds, try these natural remedies that will cost a fraction of what you will pay at the pharmacy. And they work!

Soothing Cranberry Soup

Heat 1 cup of cranberries in 2 cups of water until the skins pop open. Strain and add honey to taste. Heat almost to boiling and remove from heat. Mix 1 tbsp. of potato starch in 2 tbsp. cold water and add slowly to the cranberry juice while stirring vigorously. Bring pot to the boil and continue to stir until the mixture thickens and becomes a little transparent. Serve warm with sugar and cream. This traditional Finnish recipe for colds makes a delicious dessert and at the same time supplies plenty of vitamins B and C.

Sore Throat Infusions

Drink infusions of comfrey root, camomile, or rosemary with honey and lemon. A cup of warm water with 2 tsp. vinegar can also help.

Herbs for Smokers

Chew camomile flowers when you feel the desire to smoke. Camomile is reputed to alleviate the need for tobacco.

If the urge to smoke becomes overpowering, try an herb recipe instead of tobacco: mix 1 ounce each of red clover tops, and coltsfoot with a pinch each of lavender, yerba santa, and rosemary. Adjust the mixture to suit your personal taste. Crumble the dried mixture to make the fine tobacco-sized shreds and roll your own cigarettes.

Glycerine-lemon Cough Syrup

Heat a lemon by boiling it in water fro 10 minutes or roasting it in front of the fire. Cut open and squeeze out the juice, then add 2 tbsp. each of glycerine and honey. Take a teaspoonful at intervals whenever needed.

Use Peppermint Tea for Mild Depression

For Nerves drink Camomile tea

Try to counteract the cause of headaches

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