Revitalizing An Inheritance - 900 Oklahoma Acres
by Bobby Marcum
(Indiahoma, Oklahoma, USA)
My name is Bobby, and along with my dad, aunt, and a couple of uncles, realized that very soon we will have a large amount of land (in my eyes-over 900 acres used primarily for livestock) to deal with on our own.
Fortunately for us, my grandfather (86 years old) is still out digging post-holes and has a wealth of information I've been trying to tap into. I believe it is a unique and rare opportunity to provide for the family's present and maybe most importantly future needs. Let's just say I don't see a cheery immediate future for the economy as a whole.
Even though several us want to keep and revitalize the land to what it was when my great grandfather built the place up, I've come to the conclusion that I'm the one best suited to put a plan into action. I'm the youngest, I'm single, I'm a voracious reader and the most mechanically inclined, and (not always to my advantage) completely devoted and obsessed with unconventional ideas.
So what I have on hand was once a dairy farm, cattle ranch (still is), several residences, with 2 large hay barns, numerous outbuildings, 75 years worth of scrap iron and other materials, plenty of grass, 2 tractors(one a large international for crops) and a older but versatile ford 515 with a front loader, auger, and options I don't know about.
We also have at least 6 great water wells. I recently completed plumbing them all together so that each house has one well each with two to spare, and they are all connected over a quarter section so that all houses could run off any combination of 1 to all of the wells, in case it gets drier.
Clint Eastwood said 'a man has got to know his limitations'. I realize I am a beginner and that my grandfather is aging, though some would argue that point. That's why I'm reaching out to other forums. I realized I need to cut my learning curve. If anyone has some advice, it'd be appreciated greatly. Thanks! -Bobby