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July 01, 2011

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Hello neighbor,

I have great news. Self Sufficient Farm Living is an increasingly popular topic of discussion and I’m passionate about what I do on the farm and sharing my experiences with others who have the same fervor.

Just recently, I was interviewed by Ozarks Farm and Neighbor newspaper and it was a delightful experience. Thanks Chantel for taking the time to drive up here in the mountains to visit with me. Ozarks Farm and Neighbor

So, this is where you come in. I would like to invite you to become a more active member of our community. I am looking for original content from actual experiences or knowledge of subject matter about anything pertaining to the topic of Self Sufficient Farm Living.

You can also upload PICTURES with your article too.. Go to: Farms R Us to submit your article

Also, keep the comments coming. go to Contact us to share your comments, ideas etc. We are anxious to hear from you concerning Self Sufficient Living. Simply put, there are many topics about Self Sufficient Living that I haven’t a clue how to go about it, let alone teach it to others.

I am also in the process of creating a Community Forum where all of us can interact and help each other. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this subject as well.

Our mission is to provide up-to-date daily information and research on current trends of becoming more self sufficient in times of economic uncertainty.

It takes a community working together. Neighbors helping neighbors , sharing, bartering among themselves with the goods we have produced. I recently grew a huge amount of lettuce, so much that I couldn’t eat it all. So, what did I do? I called up my neighbors and shared with them…It’s a great feeling being able to help and give to others!

Enjoy reading about Self Sufficiency? A collection of great readings and material about Self Sufficient Living

I hope you are as enthused as I am about Self Sufficient Living. It’s hard work, but very worth the effort.

God Bless,

Steve Robinson

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