Hoop House Gardening Tips
Allow us to give you some hoop house gardening tips construction:
In most parts of the United States they are outfitted with heating devices so that even sensitive crops such as tomatoes and peppers can be grown in the coldest months.
It also requires shading devices to shade the plants on hot, sunny days.
Preferably, Place your green house facing south to get the greatest amount of winter sunlight.
If this is not achievable, the next best option is east(plants benefit from morning light).
A western exposure is also suitable, however vegetables will not grow if the green house is facing north.
Green houses can be bought or built in an almost countless range of sizes and designs, from a geo dome to a simple lean-to.
Green house manufacturers advertise complete kits that the home handyman can put together, but for economy and personal approval many gardeners desire to build their own from scrap.
These hoop house plans show a freestanding unit with the end walls framed up with 2 X 4's.
They can also be modified to the dimensions that will fit your space and families needs.
When building your hoop house, it can set directly on the ground or on a base of 2 inch thick concrete blocks or rock.
The floor can remain dirt or you can line it with rubber mats or whatever you choose.
Your hoop house will be anchored in the ground to avoid wind damage.
Your anchors will be buried at least 24 - 36 inches in the soil.
The boards should be weather resistant redwood or treated with wood preservative, particularly if the green house rests on patio blocks or on the ground.
The floor can remain dirt or you can line it with rubber mats or whatever you choose.
Your hoop house will be anchored in the ground to avoid wind damage.
Your anchors will be buried at least 24 - 36 inches in the soil.
We certainly hope these hoop house gardening tips have help you in preparing a successful crop of vegetables.
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