One Woman-10 acres....Easy Life NO, Only Life YES

by Cathy B
(Walnut Grove MO)

Its Me

Its Me

Hi, I'm Cathy! I live on my 10 acres in a very rural part of Missouri. I have a disabled hubby, 2 grown kids and one grandson.

I was raised here and after the death of my parents this small farm became Mine. My parents ashes are on the highest hill here where they can watch all my adventures and I am certain they have many laughs!

My hubby was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease about 2 yrs ago. I continued to work outside the home and try to maintain the farm. It became Too much! I chose to leave the working world and focus on taking care of hubby and the farm. Best decision I ever made!

First we had to take a hard look at finances. We made serious cutbacks and determined what we didn't really Need! We are continually looking for ways to become more self - sufficient. We are now living on approx $1000.00 a month. That includes a house pymt, electric etc. We can do better, it's an ongoing process!

Hubby can't do much after multiple neck and back surgeries so that leaves most of the work to me! I don't mind, it's a labor of love!

I am not afraid of hard work and believe me if I don't know how to do something I Will figure it out! I am strong, determined and the words "I CAN'T" are NOT in my vocabulary!!

I Hope you Enjoy getting to know me and take something away from this that is useful to you. If nothing else let my determination and can- do attitude inspire you to find a way to Enjoy life on a very limited income!

Please join me in this adventure to live life without lots of money and fancy "things"!! I can promise you lots of laughter and possibly a few tears as you see how i make my oasis in this crazy world!!!

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Aug 12, 2015
Keep on Keepin' On!
by: Laurie D.

You go girl! You just do what you gotta do and make MORE than the most of it! My sister lives in MO, and I'm contemplating moving there (near Columbia) and we would like to homestead together, preferably off-grid and definitely in tiny homes. Just in the collect-and-reflect phase right now, gathering ideas. We are both Pioneer types--always have been--so kind of fearless in that respect (lucky us). I'll keep watching your blog, listening to others and their ideas; eg. definitely going to check out what was mentioned about the "magnetic generator". Real folks like you are what helps the rest of us believe that yes, it really can be done! Thankyou!

May 06, 2014
keep up the great work
by: lorie

I am looking into homesteading also you are kinda close to the property im looking into I will continue to follow your blog you are truely a strong woman may you have many blessing...

Nov 03, 2013
by: Been around Long enough

Why is it there is always someone perched to jump and make those that are down more miserable.
Since you moron believe in your system so much.
why don't you install the system for them, and they will pay you their electric bill money to you, until you are paid twice your investment.
you cant beat that, can you. 100 percent return on your investment.

Aug 22, 2013
you can do better, check-out magnet generators they can save you ton of money on power your home.
by: mikeperry

Hi, i'am mike perry from LasVegas NV. I don't have ang land right know maybe in the future I will, i'am sorry about your hubby he is a luck man to have you looking over him,you are a good women, hard to find these days. I want tell you I surfer the internet and find a website on freepower/Australian magnetgenerator/ alternative, E-mail

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